Updated: October 16, 2002
Note: Updated: After my best friend's wedding. Thanks to Krissy for my neat little banner.
C's Stories
On Screen Series
The Alex Conflict: Adam's in love with the new girl, but so is Tommy. Will their feelings for her cause problems for the team?
Disclosure:: Will Billy's girl anxiety cause him to lose the girl of his dreams?
Summer Love: Summer's fallen for Jason. Will her love for him proven hazardous to her health?
Coming soon:
"Love Conquers All"
"Love's Return"
"Circle of Love"
S's Stories
A Hope For Love: Sierra's Found love in Adam.
Days Past: Rocky's having a hard time after the power loss.
The Birth: Sierra and Adam are expecting a special gif, but Divatox has plans to stop the delivery.
C&S Colaborations
Double Trouble: Ywice the Adam means double the trouble for Rocky and the gang.
Duo of Darkness: Rocky and Adam have kept a dark secret between them that surfaces when they find love.
Coming soon:
"A Test of Love"
Willow Blessing's Stories
Echoes of Distant Rangers: Ever wonder why Billy didn't want the Zeo Powers?
Shattered(Edit): The Turbos have a new enemy who has trouble in store for Adam and his new girlfriend.
Lemonade: The truth about why Rocky gave up his powers.
Don Berry's Stories
A Different Shade of Blue: What would have happened if Zordon chose someone esle to be the Blue Ranger? Nothing good!
The More Things Change: A follow-up to "A Different Shade of Blue."
Rachel Dawson's Stories
The Venusian Encounter: Lordd Zedd's stirring up trouble and it means bad news for Kim.
Bridging The Gap: Tommy's feeling down after Kim's departure.
Silver's Stories
Orange Crush: The Rangers have new powers, but are three rangers short. Will they find them in time?
Part One
Part Two
Black_TurboRanger's Stories
Shocking Secrets: The new girl in town has some shocking secrets that involve Billy.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Deadly Secrets: Some of Ashley's secrets are revealed.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
The Gold Warrior Meets The Power Rangers Turbo: The Rangers gain a new ally.
Rangers of the New millenium: It's a new millenium with new Rangers.
Request and Dedication: Tommy finds out the truth about why Kim broke up with him.
I Love You Came Too Late: Will Andros wiat too long to tell Ashley his real feelings?
You're Not Alone: The sequel to "I Love You CAme Too Late".
Georgia Peach's Stories
Intruder or Friend?: There's a stranger in the Power Chamber.
The Quest: The Rangers have gained two new teammates, but first they must go on a dangerous quest.
What About Tomorrow?: Tanya goes to the future.
Astro Purple's Stories
Zordon's Ranger
Marques Jefferies' Stories
Doomsday Saga: The Power Rangers must join forces with several other superheroes to battle a new evil force.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Hollytiger's Stories
The Jessica Hartgrove Series
Jessie's Story
Mele's Stories
Colaboration with Dagmar Buse
What Price Duty?: The Death of a teammate teaches the Rangers about Duty.
Funeral for a Friend: A funeral for Trini.
The Basement
MMPR: The Mission
MMPR: The Game
Johnny's Page

Garfield Says:
Praise us! Sign the Guestbook!
Read the Praises!

Submission Regulations
Before submitting a story please make sure that it is spell checked and edited. {I would prefer it be in html or as a word doc, but it's not a must).
If all is well, send your story
and Garfield will get it to us!

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Cool Places To Visit!
Between The Lines
Callisto's Power Ranger World
The FanFic Shoppe
Jenja's Library
Kristin's Daydreams
Paladar`'s World of FanFic
Rachel's Imagination
JYB and JDF Website

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If you have any questions, comments, complaints, praises, or if you find a link that doesn't work, please
Tip-O-The-Day: "When life hands you lemons, ask for a bottle of tequila and salt - and ask your girlfriends to share with you."
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The Power Rangers ( Morphin, Zeo, Turbo) belong to Saban. Neither C&S nor any of the authors featured on this page claim to own them. No one has received money for any of theses stories.